Something NEW IS Happening

Delia Yeager
5 min readMar 5, 2022

This whole thing, the war the Ukrainians are fighting, the use of cell phones and social media by the Ukrainians and everyone around the world, the increased isolation of the Russian people, cut off from outside the nation and lied to for years, compounded daily now –

What if all of this is exactly the culmination and next wave of The Arab Spring and Black Lives Matter and so many grass-root uprisings around the world for years now as the safeguards and watch dogs, regulations and powers to enforce them have been chipped away, eroded, replaced by Acts and Laws that indeed are corrosive and obliterate Democracy, power to the people, the value of people over the power of the dollar and power to oppress.

And what if what is happening in Ukraine as well as in the hearts and minds of people, up to and including corporate boards, heads, institutions, and governmental officials all over the world Is new.

What if this is not a replay of WWII…

What if this is not the colorized version of the black and white world war that’s been in reply in TV and movies for over 50 years?

What if this is not the continuation of the evil bent on destroying the world but a new invasion, and what we are witnessing in Ukraine is a new determination, a new demand that the annihilation of democracy, the people’s governance, is no longer tolerated, and this is the possibility to eradicating the movement bent on choosing kontrol, wealth, domination over individual people, persons, families, communities?

Someone who was there to document the struggles of a young democracy managed to leave the country, walking out of Ukraine and into Poland.

When I saw Sean Penn interviewed last night about his experiences there, he was lit from within as he spoke. All energetic barriers down as he was not there to sell anything, not even his point of view, he said that he’d seen President Zelensky the day before the invasion, and then again the day of. He said that he didn’t know if Zelensky was aware of this or not, but that Zelensky was born for this, born for this moment. He said, “this is something new. What’s going on there in that man, in the people, is something new. Not just the determination and courage, but the love, the love…What’s going on is something new.”

I’ve been leading groups to come together and do energy work with all of this, including our individual selves, Infinite Selves, the region, the planet and the cosmos, as everything is definitely part of all of this.

This is a front of the battle of good and evil, the battle of Life and Living and Thriving and Loving and Growing and Infinite Possibilities, Creativity, Awareness, Control, Havingness, Joy, Ease and More, vs the kontrolling, belittling, depriving, perverting, bending, folding, mutilating, sadistic, domination pathologies of entities and energies bent on absolute destruction; are here specifically to kill and obliterate all life on earth, including the planet herself. THAT IS the end game, so manufacturing any excuse to use the nuclear options is what iS intended, like Janet Jackson’s “wardrobe malfunction,” that’s EXACTLY the point.

Anti-consciousness is on it’s mission to destroy all life on and in the planet itself.

It installs and employs UN-consciousness in individuals so that will seep into institutions, government agencies, corporations, companies, putting everyone into a kind of hypnotic state where, “everything is how everything’s always been, same as it ever was, same as it always will be,” lie and malaise.

As long as we believe that, there is no point in trying to do anything different than what’s “always” been — which is a lie right there because that “always” is less than 50 years old.

As long as you judge and make yourself as sounding like an idiot, and feel foolish enough that you don’t actually act, or speak, or create differently than how you did yesterday and the day/year/decade before that — THAT is unconsciousness at work, obliterating the NEW and infinite possibilities we could be instituting, growing and generating every day, grounding all that into Life on Earth, instead of agreeing to make this the death star the Anti-consciousness desires.

Something NEW IS HAPPENING, on a global scale.

Ask yourself — how can I foster, generalate and create more of this enlivening and thriving energy on the planet, but finding ways to nurture it in my own thinking, my own perceiving, my own living now, here, today?

It’s time.

Your choices today, what you allow for and what you tolerate, create your tomorrow and all of our tomorrows.

You can choose to do the same-old-same-old and you’ll be doing your part to create and generate more numbness, listlessness, hope-less-ness, because to do anything else takes too much effort, adding to the kind of unconsciousness that breeds more anti-consciousness and destruction.

OR, you can choose to think, speak and act differently, to do something, anything new and different to create and generate more possibilities, create new avenues for life to express itself starting in your personal world, and as you embody that Aliveness, you’re actively nurturing and growing greater awareness, greater possibilities, greater thriving in your own body, life, and on the planet.

Demanding of yourself that you take imperfect action to show up and wake up, and demanding the governments and institutions and corporations do that too, joining with all the other imperfect and brilliant actions of all the other imperfect and brilliant individual people around the world and we can and indeed will, as a force of nature, roll over, obliviate and banish the racist, rapist, domination, kontrol forces from the courts, from the institutions, corporations, and governments around the globe, because clearly NOW IS THE TIME.

You can’t serve two masters.

You can’t entertain the same, lulled unconscious ways of thinking and living AND believe in and know that we are stardust, we are golden, we are Spirits in bodies, creating everything and living for millions of years, in thousands of bodies on these amazing adventures in bodies.

We are love, dormant, or in action. It is your choice which.





Delia Yeager

After years of working with thousands of people heal and become more of who they are, I’m writing all the things now.