It’s not Democracy if you don’t bring everyone along.

Delia Yeager
Jan 15, 2021
the welcome table

It’s not Democracy if you don’t bring everyone along.

That’s what kings and monarchies did -
excluded, categorized, limited,
defined people to hold
some down
so others
could stand on them
to make themselves
THAT is why millions of people
they knew and
came to America.
the taxes were
just the excuse.
and the opportunity
the chance to
make a life
got corrupted, bastardized and
reduced to making money
over making a living,
corporate welfare over people welfare,
unrestrained greed over capitalism,
but certainly not Democracy.
Democracy makes room for everyone,
on an even playing field,
An open and
ever growing table
to include more,
to share and
see what kind
and amazing living
we can create

Delia A Yeager 1/13/21
After the insurrection
On the occasion of the second Impeachment



Delia Yeager

After years of working with thousands of people heal and become more of who they are, I’m writing all the things now.